Thursday, July 22, 2010

Because My Daddy Says So

My daughters take a ballet class together. When I get them dressed and ready and do their hair they instantly hold themselves higher.

They parade around the house and glow with confidence. I love seeing this in them. I want to nurture it and help them always keep this self assurance because too many things in the world try to destroy it.

This week they went to look at themselves in the mirror on my closet doors and began twirling and singing and dancing.

My three year old is in a very big princess stage as well and is always wearing costumes. She especially likes to speak in a musical theatre sort of way. She and my five year old were singing, 'I am beautiful, and I love you' over and over again with great bravado as they stared at themselves in the mirror. And they meant it.

My three year old also promptly told the teacher when she got to class, "You know I'm a beautiful princess because my daddy says so." Her teacher said, "You have a very smart daddy."

It made me wonder, when does that change? When do we stop telling ourselves we're beautiful and wonderfully made. Because we are. Our daddy says so. All throughout the bible He has written us love notes, words of encouragement.

We just need to read, to listen, to let it soak in and resonate with us. We need to let that truth speak louder than the darts the enemy can throw at us. I know I spent years not really getting that. I'd let doubt and fear and insecurity echo louder than the bible. I can't go back, but I can focus on now and help my daughters know the strength they have in the Lord. I can help them hold onto this confidence they innately have.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful," Psalm 139:14

I do want them to be filled with humility and I don't want them to become obsessed with beauty in the way the world is.

But I so want them to see themselves as God sees them, to see the beauty that he created in them, to know that their identity is in Christ alone. I wish for all women to hold onto that feeling of nobility and knowing you are a princess of the mighty King. He is enthralled with YOUR beauty! Nothing the world says matters.

The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. Psalm 45:11

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